Track progress on prop challenge accounts

For accounts participating in a challenge, you can view the assigned daily loss and maximum loss limits. These limits mustn’t be exceeded to successfully complete the challenge. If either limit is reached, you can view the date and time when it occurred.

Additionally, you can track the daily PnL and total PnL on prop challenge accounts to assess their progress in passing a challenge or how close they are to reaching the set loss limits.

To view the loss limits:


Go to Prop trading > Challenges list.


Select the challenge and click Edit.


For real challenges, go to the Live Accounts tab. For trial challenges, go to the Demo Accounts tab.


Select the account and click Edit.


Go to the Risk Limits tab.


View the following information:

In the Daily risk limit section:

  • Daily risk limit – the maximum allowed loss per day assigned to the account.

  • Current P&L (Day) – the PnL on the account for the current day.

  • Risk Limit Set Date – the date and time when the challenge step was started and the daily risk limit was assigned to the account.

  • Risk Limit Reached – if the daily risk limit has been reached on the account, the date and time when it occurred.

In the Max loss limit section:

  • Max loss limit – the maximum allowed loss assigned to the account for the entire duration of a challenge step.

  • Current P&L (Total) – the total PnL on the account over the current challenge step.

  • Risk Limit Set Date – the date and time when the challenge step was started and the max risk limit was assigned to the account.

  • Risk Limit Reached – if the max risk limit has been reached on the account, the date and time when it occurred.

Last updated

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